The most pain we feel is when something is out of our hands. We have absolutely no control over the situation. It hurts when things feel completely helpless in the storm. Many times something will happen and hurt us deeply.
The way we react to the situation is the most important. We find ourselves overwhelmed, angry, and confused because we thought everything would go the way we wanted.
We must be careful not to let bitterness take over our hearts and minds. Many times if it's another person who has hurt us with their words or actions we dwell on it.
"Why would they do/say that?"
"They hurt me deeply."
"They don't think about anyone but themselves."
We tell ourselves all sorts of different things trying to ease the pain of the problem. When in reality we just need to come to terms with it. Face it head on. Yes, it's the most painful way to help get over it, but it's the fastest way to recover from a broken heart.
Other times, it's life struggles that get the best of us. Sickness, money issues, overload of stress, or just exhaustion can cause us so much pain. Without us even realizing, it can take us over until we are completely depressed with a problem that wasn't that big to start with until we started overthinking it.
"I've yet to see a storm that never ended."
Let yourself heal. It's okay to cry and hurt. Just be cautious not to let it consume you.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
- Ecclesiastes 3:1
I Will, by Citizen Way