Even though, I've tried to get away from it, I really felt led to talk about this.
" I refuse to do things that Jesus went to the cross to save me from. "
Powerful words. I heard it a few years ago, when I was still in High School, and it really stuck with me.
God has really laid it on my heart that so many of us struggle daily with temptations and sins that can lead to absolute destruction.
I know the range of sins is not short. I'm not just talking about lying, cheating, or murder.
What about anger? (Ephesians 4:31)
Judgement? (Matthew 7:1-5)
Pride? (Philippians 2:3)
Rules. Laws. Commandments.
We have them to protect, not only ourselves, but others around us.
We have all sinned and fell short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)
It's about striving daily to do the best we can for Him.
Personally, I feel like we have become accustom to certain sins that we don't even view as sins anymore.
Even though, the Bible clearly states it is.
I am not saying anger in itself is a sin. Jesus got angry. (Matthew 21:12-13)
Anger can turn into obsession, obsession into violence. Be careful not to let your anger overcome you.
Don't be so quick to get mad. (Proverbs 15:1)
Think things through. Be understanding. Don't let anger destroy you.
I am so tired of hearing and watching "Christians" tear each other apart.
Is someone doing something you don't agree with? Pray for them.
Stop the hurtful words and actions.
Do you honestly think that you being hateful to someone because they are working out their own salvation is right? (Philippians 2:12)
Our job is to love. Not to judge.
Judging someone else means you are trying to take the place of God.
He is the only one who has the authority.
Stop judging others just because they sin differently than you do.
Jesus said, "... He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone..." (John 8:7)
One of the seven deadly sins for a reason.
When you have a "holier than thou" attitude, and you claim to be "Christian", it gives the word 'Christian' a bad name.
We are all human beings. The only man who has ever walked this Earth and was completely perfect was Jesus Christ.
We need to humble ourselves, and realize we are nothing without the Almighty.
Pride leads to destruction. (Proverbs 16:18)
God loves you. It amazes me every time that I hear He loves me. After all my sins, faults, and failures. He loves me.
You are never too far gone. Let Him have complete control. He will help you work through whatever it is you are struggling with.