I work in a Pediatric office. I was on my way up to work one morning, and I had just gotten off of the elevator when I saw a man walking along side wall. It took me a second to realize why he was feeling the walls. He was blind. I walked passed without thinking. I stopped, turned around, and said, "Excuse me sir? Can I help you?".
He smiled, "Yes, actually, I seemed to be lost. I have an appointment this morning, and I can't seem to find the office."
I told him he could hold on to my arm while I guided him to the place he needed to get to. He thanked me for my kindness. I told him God bless, and went on my way.
That whole day, I really thought about that man. He was all alone in a large medical building. He had faith that he could get where he needed to go even if he turned the wrong way, that someone would be there to help him. He couldn't see what was in front of him, but he had faith he would get to his destination.
Why aren't we more like that? When life gets hard, and we can't see what's right in front of our face, we panic. The difference is we aren't ever completely alone. We are only human. We doubt and fear, but while we are walking in the darkness, God will be walking right next to us. We will get to our destination. Even if we get lost sometimes, He will always be there to lead us back, if we have the faith like a blind man.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. - Hebrews 11:1