I've always been the kind of person, when I want something I want it now. I've always struggled with my patience.
Praying and begging God for something that I want.
Patience is hard when you can't see the outcome, but that's why we have faith. There's a blessing in every high and low of our lives.
In church one morning, my Sunday school teacher talked about "God's Waiting Room".
When someone is in the hospital, the waiting room is usually full of all the loved ones waiting to get the news, reports, and answers. People get uneasy, uncomfortable, and anxious. They sit there in the same room, looking at the same things for hours, days, and sometimes even weeks. The worry becomes unbearable. Fear comes in, and tries to take every little ounce of faith.
What are you going to do with the time that you are waiting? Are you going to complain about why you're there? Or are you going to make the best out of the situation, and trust God's plan?
When we are waiting on something we want, we pray more. It honestly is just the truth. It's like that kid at Walmart that is just begging his mom for candy. He thinks if he ask more, there's a better chance he will get what he wants.
We are the same way with God. Nothing is wrong with that, but sometimes God wants to teach us something in the waiting room.
We have to be willing to give God the time He needs to do His way, not our own.
For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.
- Romas 8:24-25
While I'm Waiting, By John Walker