You know those people that are constantly upset with the same people that continue to treat them wrongly? They go back to that person over and over again, and I'm not just talking about relationships, I'm talking about toxic friendships.
God has called us to love one another without conditions.
But, there are cases where God will bring people into our lives for a season, and then we try to keep them there for a lifetime.
Sometimes it's good to step back and evaluate the people you're giving your time and energy into. We are supposed to shine God's love like no other, but we can't drown ourselves in the process.
There has all been people in our lives that we knew were bringing us down more than anything.
Why do we allow it?
Is this friend/boyfriend/girlfriend drawing you closer to The Lord? Do they encourage you? Are they constantly causing unneeded drama?
We have to let go of the people that are doing us more harm than good, especially if they are drawing you back from getting closer to God.
Many times we can't see what's right in front of us cause we are too wrapped up in the people
that are stressing us out. These people are toxic to our spiritual walk with God.
Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt go:
Lest thou learn his ways and get a snare to thy soul.
- Proverbs 22:24-25