I had a situation come up in my life. I begged God over and over for Him to take care of it.
Weeks turned into months, nothing changed.
I was trying not to lose hope, but I didn't understand.
Why? It was a pointless situation. Why won't He just do it the way I think it should be?
I kept praying and fasting.
Then, it happened.
Everything changed.
I was blown away by what I saw right in front of me.
A lot of things happen slowly, over time, changing and molding. But, every once in awhile something incredible happens and everything you've prayed for happens in the blink of an eye.
God will give us the desires of our heart if they are true to His will and word.
I always think of my struggles as a climb. I'm getting stronger by every step. I'm seeing things I've never seen before. I'm learning. I'm changing. I'm growing.
The climb can be hard. You get sweaty and tired. You're drained. Your legs start to hurt. You question why you're even fighting this hill, but you keep going. Sometimes complaining, whining, asking how much longer.
But, you reach the top.
Look at the view.
Then, realize, it was worth it all & you'd do it again.
The prettiest views come from the hardest climbs.
Stay strong. He knows what He's doing.