It's the thing that we battle.
The thing that makes us feel insane.
The thing that keeps us up all night.
"Should I do this?"
"Is this okay?"
"But, what about this?"
"I don't know. I'm just so confused."
It's painful. It's hard. It's one of the biggest problems we face.
So what to do about it?
I heard something by one of my favorite preachers, Steven Furtick, and it's stuck with me. He said, "...you can't pray and ask God to move when you're not willing to move your feet..."
It hit me like a bomb. I had been praying about a situation, but not really doing anything. There's a time for standing still & a time for walking.
Questions we want answers to. Sometimes we never get the answer.
But, we get so wrapped up in "not knowing what to do".
I'm going to let you in on a secret.
The Bible says that when you're walking in God's will, ever decision you make, every turn, everything will be part of the plan.
When you are walking with Him & seeking His perfect will, everything falls into place.
Will everything be perfect all the time? No. But, does that mean it's not His perfect will? No.
Life wasn't meant to be perfect or easy. It was meant to be something that brings glory & honor back to Him.
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.” - Psalms 37:23-24